Error in Eclipse BW-Project
Hi, I'm trying to use an Eclipse BW-Project to create ADSOs on our system but I cannot see the content of my folders. The only message I get is "Data is loading ...." A couple of months ago it worked...
View ArticleRe: Adding new field in Reservation MB21/MB22/MB23
Hi. We don't have the screen exit for this T-code. If it is normal field in the screen, we can get the values from the user using Popup window by coding in the Exit. Since you need the field to be...
View ArticleUnable to start Design Studio from Eclipse while trying to implement DS SDK...
Hi All, I am trying to implement the DS SDK as mentioned in the Developer Guide for Design Studio SDK. While trying to run the SDK Application in order to test the Colored Sample Box Example. I get the...
View ArticleRe: Use Tax Code Setup
Hi Scott, Please note that when you compute use tax, payment of that that is your responsibility, not the vendor's responsibility. Therefore, the tax should be going to a separate tax liability account...
View ArticleRe: max 32767 .Load execution
Hi, for .Close and .Dispose confided on the instruction "Using" (one of the tests was to explicitly call .Close and .Dispose but the result is not changed); the code above was just an example to cause...
View ArticleRe: PSA Requests not getting deleted after upgrade to 7.3
Hi Dharma The KBA 1839146 contains useful hints and also a small program which can check the maintained psa deletion variant.To be able to delete PSA-s/CHANGELOG-s of DSO-s the changelog deletion...
View ArticleRe: How to display Crystal Reports in SAP Portal using Crystal Server?
Hi Rauno, The first point is not possible as a Crystal Report requires processing to be opened in a web server. It is not static. If you want to open a report without interacting with BI 4.1, you...
View Articlecross tab
Hi, By default the cross tab puts the "horizontal" dimensions in the end of block, not allowing to put "vertical" dimensions at the right of horizontal measure area. Is there any way to avoid this?...
View ArticleRe: Locking rows based on value in cells
Hello Shrikant, Thanks for your reply.I did what you suggested but it has the same behavior. Function AFTER_REFRESH(ByVal Target As Range) Dim ca As Range ActiveSheet.Unprotect "test" If...
View ArticleRe: Use Tax Code Setup
Hi Unnivel Thanks for the information. This looks to be a great lead for us. However I'm wondering how when we create a new Tax Code in FTXP for U1, how can we change the Procedure it's using?...
View ArticleStarting a virtual learning room as an instructor
Hello, we've had LSO functionality for a while but now wish to expand into the Virtual Learning Room delivery method. I'm uncertain how the instructor "starts" the VLR class that has been scheduled? I...
Buenas Felipe, He estado realizado las pruebas y continua permitiendo la creación de facturas con cantidades mayores al de la Orden de compra de origen. Invertí el signo de if @PurQry>@InvQty ya...
View ArticleRe: Error when i try to print in Crystal Report
What type of DB are you connecting to? This particular error number (556) is passed through from the database. In particular, it looks like the ODBC connection (based on the words "File DSN") is not...
View ArticleRe: Replacement of obsolete table USR03
Hello Radhika, I just checked with some BC-SEC colleagues that USR03 is normally available and used in EHP6. Can you please share where did you get this information from? Best regards, Tomas Black
View ArticleRe: Billing job RV60SBAT follow with RSEOUT00
Hi Valeria, Why don't you put them at different steps in a single job, that will ensure that second step starts only when first one is completed. Or you can put them in a process chain with steps one...
View ArticleRe: loop data . Help me
Try this. LOOP AT item_table. IF item_table-field_1 = Z_table-field_1 AND item_table-field_2 = z_table-field_2. item_table-sales_item_value = 1110. MODIFY item_table TRANSPORTING...
View ArticleRe: XSJOB not able to access file
Hi Thomas I appreciate your response. What I am really trying to do is schedule the Predictive analytics AFL procedures through SQl script or the model as a batch. We are on SPS07 rev 73. can we...
View ArticleRe: Geração de estorno automático através da FF.5
Josy, no caso de estorno para operação 01, você deve deixar as contas e chaves de lançamento em branco.
View ArticleRe: Tiles "stuck" when catalog role removed from user
Hi, Try clearing both your metadata cache and Browser cache, when you remove the roles from the user.Transaction: /IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP on GatewayTransaction: /IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP on Backend and Gateway...
View ArticleRe: Can both in-row and off-row LOBs be used in a where clause?
Thanks Bret. Wasn't sure if in-row/off-row had any impact. Kevin
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