Re: Multiprovider Scenario with unequal characteristics
Hi Oliver, Can you change the setting for this characterstic(C3) in BEx designer , Once you select the characterstic(C3) in the designer ,go to Extended tab, select "Master Data" in 'access type for...
View ArticleRe: Any standard report is avilable on Salary register
Hi Ravi, I created a wage type and it is working fine. Do I need to configure to see the same wage type in salary register?If I need to configure let me know the steps. Thanks and regards,Triven Kumar...
View ArticleRe: Time event data rectification in IT2011
Hi Sankarsan, As far as I know, there isn't any standard program available to change day assignment field for time event records in IT2011. Thanks and regards,Vivek Barnwal
View ArticleRe: error on ud
Hi, Like what Arijit and Anand has said, I'm also not able to understand the exact problem. If there is no follow up action associated with the relevant UD code, then SO creation (parallel, and based...
View ArticleRe: Issue with reduced message type for matmas
Yes... Full data can be sent by submitting to BD10 instead of BD21. But I believe reduced message type is not required as all data is required. BD53 is used to reduce the segments/fields in the message...
View ArticleRe: Tax is not calculated in MIRO
Now check OB40 for VST whether you have assigned G/L "43020000-Discounts received". Give an appropriate G/L as it is Service tax. In your Tax procedure there is descrepancy in calculating CST. change...
View ArticleRe: Unable to create contract through BAPI- BAPI_CONTRACT_CREATE
Check the KBA 1707759 - BAPI_SAG_CREATE/BAPI_SAG_CHANGE/BAPI_CONTRACT_CREATE/BAPI_CONTRACT_CHANGE : Condition data cannot be updatedIt explains the causes and solution.
View ArticleRe: User exit or Badi to change RESB - IP10
Hello Fernanda ,If you are still on SCN i would like to ask you if you were able to change the values Goods Recipient and Uploading point using this enhancement point. If so, can you help me in...
View ArticleRe: CR2013 Service Packs
from SAP web only you must be parter or customer
View ArticleRe: How to create ADD-ON using AAK tool
Hello Mandeep, Please send me the SIM files you have and please provide a documents also if you have.My AAK version is 400_700 , based on this send me SIM files.already i have SIM files but that...
View ArticleRe: Sales representatives mapping for sample sale
Hi, whats´s the purpose of using different range numbers? To identify who´s a field executive,a field manager... ? If so, instead using different range numbers, use a single range and create as many...
View ArticleRe: Error: SNAP_ADT does not exist in the database -> manual check required
Hi Yadav You can refer the SAP KBA for missing the table in DB, still the simlar kindly raise the SAP support indent under component BC-UPG-TLS-TLA1864494 - 2EEDA300 No active nametab exists for...
View ArticleRe: Error during MIGO with reference to Inbound delivery number for quality...
Hi, Please use the option: "Release GR Blocked Stock" option in MIGO with reference document as "Material Document" and use the 107 document as reference and test the scenario again. Refer the...
View ArticleRe: How to confirm an operation/ post goods in a PM02 control key operation?
Hi, There is no need to confirm PM02 control key operation(not liable by company) as it's maintenance performed by vendor. Please find below link/ (Find attachment...
View ArticleRe: Asset transfer previous year with new Asset and Useful Life
HiHii did not tried to transfer the asset using method 3 before.. but what i am quite sure that when you transferred the asset on 01.01.2015 the asset will be zero on that date not in 31.12.2014? can...
View ArticleRe: I am trying to send a Messgage through database.
Hi Ravi, Triggers are not supported by SAP for use on SBO system tables so I don't recommend you integrate your messaging in this way. Instead, you could put your code in the...
View ArticleRe: DI API oCreditNote change BOM child warehouse V8.8
Hi Graham, The trick I normally use when I want to amend BOM components is to save the document first as a draft. You can then edit the component items and add the document as a full credit note. Kind...
View ArticleRe: ORCAScript Build executable :Is the pbdflags string too long?
Thanks Christopher, But139 PBLs15,000 + code objects include over 1200 windows18+yr old application that compiles properly from the IDE project objectBUT doesn't compile correctly when built via...
View ArticleRe: How to change user given inputs in the same BEx variable
Hello Rajani, why do u need two variables. Use only one variable and define your exit on that variable,ifuserinput date > sysdate then use sysdate else use userinputdate Regards,AR
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