Re: Display Analysis Office Workbook always in English language
I tried AO setting, but it did not work. When we checked code behind WebDynpro, it was reading system info (login details). We enhanced it to overwrite language value to English (E). Then it resolved...
View ArticleRe: EPM Fucntionality - using variables to calculate the sum of two fields.
Hi Vicki, You can use local member in the edit report.simply using excel formula to add those 2 fields together in the local member formula field. Andy
View ArticleRe: Technical System (Third Party) - Update Hostname
Since it seems that it's not necessary and may be a hassle to have the hostname of a technical system up to date I'm marking Harish's answer the correct one as he was the first one to state the same....
View ArticleRe: PowerBuilder 5.0 Vs Sybase ASE PC Client 15.5
PB 5 will work with ASE 15.x... the issue in question was specific to PC Client 15.5.
View ArticleRe: EPMContextMember Filter to have not equal
Hi Ergin, There is a huge difference between BPC 7.5 and BPC 10 reporting wise. you can only use "=" you need to think of ways to get around this limitation, maybe create a new property. Andy
View ArticleRe: Connection is busy with results for another command production order (OWOR)
I believe SAP doesnt allow you to use Triggers, the better way to intercept some data from transaction is to create a table, and use Post Transaction Notification to monitor those transactions and add...
View ArticleRe: What is the requirement to SAP for ESS and MSS
hi Jwala, What kind of services can't we use in NWBC?
View ArticleRe: Synchronization Tool notes and updates - TaxFactory 10
The workaround I've come up with for the T5UTD issue is to not use the client-specific transport. The sync tool itself seems to work just fine, it's entering the data into a transport and then using...
View ArticleRe: UJO_READ_EXCEPTION_018
Check if you are using old or new MDX parser, also check if you have any custom MDX and if they are defined correctly.
View ArticleRe: M_SERVICE_REPLICATION table fields
60 seconds is just a "best guess". All the systems that I have monitored so far haven't hit the 60 seconds limit, so I currently think that it is a good limit to be alerted. LOG_POSITION is much more...
View ArticleRe: cannot read property in componenent.preload.js in create sales order ext...
Problem solved by adding additional information in the transaction LPD_CUST
View ArticleRAS: set section condition formula
Is it possible to set a section condition formula via the RAS API? A similar question was posted a few months ago by another user, but was unanswered (API/RAS - is it possible to remove suppress...
View ArticleRe: Set up time in repetitive manufacturing
Mariano, I created rate routing and change the settings in opu5 to generate reqts and schedule based on rate routings.. when I create planned order and schedule, system is considering the setup time in...
View ArticleRe: is there a way to do a join in Analysis with BICS connection
thanks for your quick reply Tammy. I thought the same thing as I could not find any previous documentation on this. I will look at the BW workspace. We are exploring using analyis for office and WEBI...
View ArticleRe: Recording multiple results for single characteristcs
I would like to re correct my statement, The scenario is like, I have a material X with a single Quantitative MIC. As per the sampling plan i am getting sample size as 3.say for sample 1 - 4.3 cm,...
View ArticleRe: Failed to get connections for connection using session locale
Thanks Mofizur I wasn't aware you were trying a multi-tenant / multi-server configuration. We've only become aware of this limitation. Thanks for sharing. Regards
View ArticleRe: Identity Management configuration - Data link shows 2 IBM OLE DB Provider...
Hi Matt,Thank you for your advise. Correction my environment, NW 7.31 AS Java and DB2 database is on Linux server. The Windows server runs other IdM components (Designtime, Runtime, VDS ..).We have...
View ArticleRe: Failed to get connections for connection using session locale
Mofizur, Issue resolved. Need to create the entry as <host>;<tenant port>; In our case, goaxxxx1:30041; Able to successfully test the connection. Raj
View ArticleRe: Diferencia en centavos entre Entrada de Mercancía y Factura de Proveedores
Hola Cesar. Podrías subir por favor un par de imágenes, una donde muestres la entrada de mercancías y otra donde muestres la factura a crear. De preferencia que estén visibles los campos de descuento y...
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