Re: Problem Adding Existing Application
Hi Sam; I have never seen the Target Wizard dialogue box empty like this in all my years using PB. I suspect that its related to either an improper PB installation, running on old version of PB on an...
View ArticleHow to test the data in parallel
we recently moved all the webi reports and universes from data center 1 to data center 2 (not in a same network) in data canter 1 there are 200 webi reports in which around 100 reports are getting...
View ArticleRe: Looking for information about "data breach notification process"
Probably still devastated by cricket ;-)
View ArticleRe: Investment program management
Hi Veronica, I am afraid your question is not clear enough. Please try to rephrase it and maybe giving any specific examples might also help. Investment programs do not need any start or end dates,...
View ArticleRe: Looking for information about "data breach notification process"
I would like to see that document as well but I could not find it. The only maybe relevant thing that I found is a note about various certifications for HCP. I am not sure if any of these standards...
View ArticleRe: Error al Ingresar a SAP
Hola, podrias leer la siguiente nota:… 1440193 - Unable to login to SAP Business...
View ArticleRe: sapui5 app cache buster
are we talking about app cachbuster or "just" cachbuster ? Sergio, i am not 100% sure but cachebuster doesnt make sense in local enviroment. src="resources/sap-ui-cachebuster/sap-ui-core.js" sounds...
View ArticleGetting error when creating a report from a IDT tool Universe
Hi BI experts,I have created a Universe in IDT tool and the data source is a Function module in the SAP ECC system. When I run the Query in the IDT tool, I see data.But when I create a Webi report...
View ArticleRe: User authentication & User Detail Data Source
Hi Prashant, So if I understand it correctly manager details also should be pulled from HR system and not from LDAP. So basically you want during Access Request creation ,Userid get pulled from LDAP...
View ArticleRe: SDOC transfer using CS_ITM_CDOC-CVL is not working
Hi Padma, The standard code finds and populates the first Duty Type with VALTY = '003'. That doesn't have to be Duty Type 'W001' - you could easily configure another to receive the Statistical Value...
View ArticleRe: Difference between a webi document owner and author
Document author is the BI Launchpad logon of the document Creator. Document Owner is the BI Launchpad Logon or name of person who last saved the document Regards,Abhishek Jain
View ArticleRe: determin agent for workflow task dynamically
Hi Veronika Mike's suggestion is correct. You need to create a static method in your class with LT_AGENTS of type TSWHACTOR (table with agents)as exporting and few input parameters based on your...
View ArticleRe: Page Setup
Hi, Basic Information about Page Setup Dialog Box with .NET Controls: 1. To provide a Page Setup to your application, you can use the PageSetupDialog button from the Toolbox. The PageSetupDialog...
View ArticleRe: Dynamic Report Creation At Runtime
Hi Ludek, I have made quite a bit of progress since I last posted on February 21, 2015.Since then I have been able to establish a connection to the SQL Server database (2005) using Microsoft integrated...
View ArticleRe: Value M00003 of Char Cost Center does not coresspond the attr.Value...
Hello Ramesh, Please check if the following SCN thread can help:'ve updated the incident 0000219902 2015 with the same reply). Best RegardsBarry HughesSupport...
View ArticleRe: Help with creating a formula
What is the logic for column 3 based on column 1 and coulmn 2. Let suppose this is a concatenation then below is the formula. concatenation(Coulmn1;Coulmn2)
View ArticleRe: Activate/Installaltion BRPplus
Do you have the right role assigned to your user? See Understanding the User Interface - Business Rule Framework plus (BRFplus) - SAP Library for details BR Christian
View ArticleRe: CPS Job final status
Gerben, As per your advice, I have configured the XBP job control rule and checked ignore appl return code, changed Action field to Monitor. I have attached the screenshot. Could you please confirm,...
View ArticleRe: SMP3 - AppDevelopment (Kapsel): SMP server need
So, could you please explain if there's a local productive version of SAP Web IDE for our real business needs beyond trial? Or, as I've mentioned in my original question, do we still have to have an...
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