Re: XS Debugging from WebIDE in trial instance
Ok, thanks now it works. Is there any possibility to remove the old sessions in the list? Or do they vanish automatically after some time? Best regards,Steffen
View ArticleRe: SSO not working
Hi Ramesh, You can also verify if there are any duplicate SPN's created due to which it suddenly stopped working. Run setspn -x in the command prompt or you can use 3rd party utility such as AD...
View ArticleRe: Seeking guidance on PCR
As far i understand PCR does not work to handle above mentioned scenario, Check a test case employees who have joined after 10 th and before 30 th whether system is generating as per the requirement or...
View ArticleRe: Flexibility of uploading flat file data
Hi Venkat, You can maintain your files in the application server. In the process chain a simple program can be written to pick up the correct file based on the required condition. Regards,Anupama
View ArticleRe: ELM- Is campaign mass generation possible ?
Hi Arden, Thank U for your response. Campaign plans shared by the business need to be uploaded on monthly – basis.BPs and Leads to be created with reference to the Campaign ID generated after...
View ArticleRe: Warning you do not have sufficent authorization in workbook
But we don't have access to above T-codes
View ArticleRe: Sybase DirectConnect ODBC Driver 64-bit
Honestly, we have no clue what you are trying to achieve. And how. If you want to access databases from within DS, you typically install the native database client software, both on the DS client (for...
View ArticleIncreasing length of purchasing group Description & Tel. No.
Hi, There is request to increase length of Purchasing Group description (EKNAM) length from 18 Char to 25 and "Tel. No. Purc Grp" (EKTEL) from 12 to 13.So is it possible and what may be the impact if...
View ArticleRe: Product Description to be available in Packing list form?
Hi Horst, In Packing screen Product description is available and need to displayed in Output form. BO for Packing is "Identified Logistics Unit" which is PSM locked. Is there any way to get the result?...
View ArticleRe: Error while trigerring message from RWB - 500 Error during Sender...
Hi Iñaki Vila, We are using Business system only with adapter specific attributes configured. Regards
View ArticleMovement Types
Dear All, I have a customer who use an external program for consolidation. This external program has to be filled with our data extract function in WoC General Ledger. But the customer needs per...
View ArticleDeletion of Sales order by MASS transaction
Hi Gurus, I have searched in google for this issue but can not get the proper resolution,Pls let me know this... Is it possible to delete n numbers of sales order having subsequent documents by MASS...
View ArticleRe: Data transfer workbench update BP address wrongly
what column you are using for bill to address?? it should be bill to in address type.
View ArticleRe: Move/copy responsibility from one rule to another
Okay, thanks Mike and Sandy. Always those great answers . Will consider to do some programming and let you know... Claus.
View ArticleRe: data exists in GLFUNCT table but in RSA3 showing 0 Rrecords
Dear Marco/ all Waiting for your inputs.... Can any body put some light on this thread. Regards, Khaja Kamaluddin
View ArticleRe: How do I send e-mail from ABAP Web Dynpro Application
This is what I have so far. I get the message "e-mail sent successfully" but the minute i go back to application code, I get the message visible on the screenshot attatched:...
View ArticleRe: 404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
Run transaction RZ11, type in icm/host_name_full. The value of that parameter should be your FQDN.Now back to the Exchange Profile as Iñaki Vila mentioned, set the following parameters...
View ArticleSAP VIM(Open Text) Certification
Hi, Have a nice day, I am trying to attend SAP VIM Certifiation Exam. Anybody knows the SAP VIM(Open Text) certification Exam Code. Thanks in advance. Regards,Ranjith
View ArticleChange member format doesn't work on protected sheet
EPM 10 SP20 NW version I noticed that my changed member format (pattern selected to apply only color) works fine if the workbook is not protected. When i protect the workbook it doesn't show the color...
View ArticleRe: Error in All Approved Pending PR morethan 7 days
Hi Chintan Panchal, Thank You for your reply, I attached my query file. Can you please check that and tell sir, where i have to update in the query, Regards,Arun
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