Dear Experts,
My thread is continued from this below :
The latest query solution can't solve our company problem. Here is the query:
WITH receipt AS (
SELECT distinct owor.ItemCode, oign.DocNum, ign1.BaseRef, SUM(ign1.LineTotal) AS total_receipt,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by owor.docentry
ORDER BY owor.docentry) as row,owor.docentry
FROM ign1 inner join OWOR on owor.DocEntry= IGN1.BaseEntry and ign1.ItemCode=owor.ItemCode
inner join OIGN on oign.DocEntry=ign1.DocEntry and ign1.BaseType = '202'
GROUP BY owor.ItemCode, ign1.baseref, oign.DocNum,oign.docentry,owor.DocEntry
issued AS (
SELECT owor.DocEntry,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by owor.docentry
ORDER BY owor.docentry ) as iss_row,
OIGe.DocNum, ige1.BaseRef, sum(Isnull(ige1.linetotal,0)) as total_issue
FROM ige1 inner join OWOR on owor.DocEntry= ige1.BaseEntry and IGE1.BaseType = '202'
inner join WOR1 on wor1.DocEntry = owor.DocEntry inner join OIGE on oige.DocEntry= ige1.DocEntry
group by ige1.BaseRef, oige.DocNum,oige.docentry,owor.DocEntry
TBL2.DocNum,TBL2.[FG-Code],TBL2.[Issued Num],Isnull(TBL2.[Issued Amt],0) [Issued Amt],TBL2.[Receipt Num],TBL2.[Receipt Amt]
from (
Select (CASE rnum when 1 then ItemCode end) [FG-Code],
(CASE rnum when 1 then Isnull(DocNum,0) end) [DocNum],
(CASE ISrnum when 1 then Isnull(Issued_No,0) end) [Issued Num],
(CASE ISrnum when 1 then Isnull(issuedamount,0) end) [Issued Amt],
(CASE RSrnum when 1 then Isnull(Receipt_No,0) end) [Receipt Num],
(CASE RSrnum when 1 then Isnull(receiptamount,0) end) [Receipt Amt],
(forshort) [forshort]
from (
SELECT owor.docentry,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by owor.docentry order by owor.docentry) [rnum] ,
owor.docentry [forshort],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by issued.DocNum order by issued.DocNum) [ISrnum],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by receipt.DocNum order by receipt.DocNum) [RSrnum],
owor.ItemCode, owor.DocNum, issued.DocNum as Issued_No,
max(Isnull(issued.total_issue,0)) AS issuedamount,
receipt.DocNum as Receipt_No,
max(receipt.total_receipt) AS receiptamount
FROM wor1 inner join owor on owor.DocEntry = wor1.docentry
left outer join receipt
on receipt.DocEntry = owor.DocEntry
left outer join issued
on issued.DocEntry = owor.DocEntry and Isnull(issued.iss_row,0) = Isnull(receipt.row,0)
where owor.DocNum = 154
GROUP BY owor.docentry,owor.ItemCode, owor.DocNum, issued.DocNum, receipt.DocNum,receipt.row ,issued.iss_row ) TBL1 ) TBL2
group by
TBL2.DocNum,TBL2.[FG-Code],TBL2.[Issued Amt],TBL2.[Issued Num],TBL2.[Receipt Num],TBL2.[Receipt Amt]
order by
Max(TBL2.forshort) , TBL2.DocNum desc
the query result:
when I check the production order relationship map belows:
The issue is there is no return component document in the query result. Its no is 145.
Please help how to include the return component document. Thank you.