Can anybody help me understand Exact Browser feature with exact attribute and exact list.
My goal is to create a exact browser with maximum 6 lists. I do not want the on-click on exact attribute to generate a new list. The parent list on click should call all child attributes within the same list. I do not want n number of lists.
For example If root list has three attributes, then the click of root-Item1 will create a list, root-Item2 will create another list and root-Item2 will create another list. SO basically one exact list for each attribute which has child attributes. But I want the feature to be changed so that the Child Item of all the parent open in the same list.
Requirement with respect to example. : if root list has three attributes then I want the Click of any item of the list to open a new list. The click of second Item should not create a new list. Instead it should append the attributes to the same Exact-list.
Thanks in advance