It is not clear if the output from P0014 has the CC pointer set for the w/t in IT and still there in the RT.
Run(or simulate) payroll with log.
Display input/processing/output for function in P0014 function. If C1ZNR is in the P0014 output, then display the log for the PCR where it is added to R. Check if the ELIMI is clearing the splits particularly for CC. If this is the problem, then check which proc class wlass is used here in this PCR. Then check the config for the w/t in this proc class.
To check where the addition to RT is made, do as below for payroll schema:
- With pgm RPDASC00, expand the main schema fully; in the selection screen use 'C' for payroll schema (note T is for Time schema). in all other selection use '*' meaning all values.
- Press execute to get the expanded schema.
This is normally done when major changes are made in the schema and saved as a text file with suitable name to indicate the date of change.
-Find all ADDWTE's and check where payments are added to RT after XT00 sub-schema..
The processing class usage depends also on the country grouping for payroll
Normally it would be as below:
3 major points where our payments & deductions get moved to RT.
PCL 03 (pcr X020) - all time payments will be moved to RT
PCL 20 (pcr X023) - all other remaining payments will be moved to RT
PCL 41 (pcr X024) - all deductions will be moved to RT
PCL 30 - all payments based on table T54C3 or in the current year which are used
for further information or calculation purpose.
In Australian payroll,
- pcl 82 is also used in the superannuation calc schema to add to RT
- pcl 76 is used to add to RT in different points of the payroll schema
- pcl 66 - in taxation over-ride to add to RT
- pcl 21 - for fixed tax w/t's to add to RT
- pcl 05 - in Q030 or X030 to add to RT at the end of payroll schema