Hello Manoj,
I have changed my mapping as per your suggestion. Mapping is successful in ESR. But whenever I am trying to test the scenario E2E it is failing with mapping error.
Mapping "urn:com:****/OM_PurInvoice_SAPECC_To_PurchaseInvoice" failed to execute: MappingException: Runtime Exception when executing application mapping program com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_Invoice_SAPECC_To_PurchaseInvoice_; Details: com.sap.aii.mappingtool.tf7.IllegalInstanceException; Cannot create target element /ns0:MT_PurchaseInvoice/Statement. Values missing in queue context. Target XSD requires a value for this element, but the target-field mapping does not create one. Check whether the XML instance is valid for the source XSD, and whether the target-field mapping fulfils the requirement of the target XSD.
Please help.