The level of detail that controls how the payment data is split into
groups according to:
Company code
House bank
House bank account
Debit/credit indicator
Payment method
It can be refined within the customer adjustments of formats
(transaction OBPM3).
To influence sorting/grouping of payment data passed to DME file this
can be influence using customer event 00. For eg: in OBPM3 you can have
custom event FM. You can take a copy of standard FM FI_PAYMEDIUM_DMEE_00
Please refer to note 614683 for reference.
Make sure you have deselected the fields: FPAYH-GPA1R and FPAYH-AUSFD.
Also, there is one Check Box, viz 'Indicator - One Payment per Item'
Field V_T042E-XEIPO, in the FBZP settings under 'Payment Methods for
Company Code'. If this field is marked, open items which have that
payment method are to pay individually.
Number of output DME files depends from the following customizing:
1) Tr. OBPM1 -> double-click on your PMW format ->
frame 'Payment medium output divided by level of detail' ->
by selecting/unselecting checkboxes in this frame you could set
necessary level of granularity.
2) Tr. OBPM4 -> check the selection variant for your PMW format
3) Payment method configuration in tr. FBZP -> check all settings,
e.g. 'Separate payments per business area', 'Separate payment for
each reference', frame 'Grouping of items'.
4) Customer/vendor master record: 'Individual payment', 'Grouping key'.
Program SAPFPAYM is responsible for DME file generation and
number of DME output files is set through customizing, it isn't
Hope this information was at least helpful for you.