Hi expert
i had made a Query,, in which i need some modification,,
it for PO , both header and Row wise,, but a row line is again and again Repeating,
How could i stop this and get in Single line
means, if i had made PO with 10 lines,,, it should show only 10 rows in the Query, instead of that now its coming as Multi
the below given is the Query Format
SELECT T0.[DocNum], T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName], T0.[DocDate], T1.[U_EMP_REF_NO], T1.[U_EMP_NAME], T3.[PrcCode], T1.[U_U_Iqama], T1.[Project], T1.[PriceBefDi], T2.[FormatCode], T1.[FreeTxt] FROM OPOR T0 INNER JOIN POR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OACT T2 ON T0.CtlAccount = T2.AcctCode, OPRC T3 WHERE T0.[CardName] =[%0] AND T0.[DocDate] >=[%1] AND T0.[DocDate] <=[%2