Hi Chandra,
I've tried now the getProperty() method, but unfortunately is doesn't work.
First I create my model for the BPM oData service:
// Get taskID from URL var taskId = getValueOfURLParameter("taskId"); // Create ODataModel for BPM Task Data OData service var taskDataSvcURL = "/bpmodata/taskdata.svc/" + taskId; var oDataModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(taskDataSvcURL, true);
Afterwards I'm trying to bind a property to a variable:
var RequestTypeID = oDataModel.getProperty("/InputData('"+ taskId + "')/HandleRequestType/Request/RequestTypeID");
But unfortunately RequestTypeID is still undefined.
Even if I put sap.ui.getCore().getModel().getData() into the console, it returns a null value.