Hello Charlie,
there are no dumps and there is no HTTP traffic because the links on the web page point to nowhere.
We are on the SP you wrote, these are all the SW levels on our system, are there any mismatch among them or missing Add-Ons ?
SAP_BASIS 740 0007
SAP_ABA 740 0007
SAP_GWFND 740 0007
SAP_UI 740 0009
PI_BASIS 740 0007
ST-PI 2008_1_710 0009
BI_CONT 757 0002
SAP_BW 740 0007
CPMBPC 810 0002
POASBC 100_731 0005
HANABPC 810 0002
ST-A/PI 01Q_731 0002
Using Firefox if we go in the section Administration, Security, right click on Users and select Inspect Element, this is the content of the inspector, is the href correct?
<a id="home-view-admin-users" data-sap-ui="home-view-admin-users" class="sapUiLnk" title="Add users to the environment and manage their access rights." href="javascript:void(0);" tabindex="0">Users</a>
Best regards,