Your reply has evoked many question in my mind:
- 1 why can we add extensionin and extensionoutparameters
in the same bapi i.e BAPI_PO_CREATE1
so that we can use the same bapi to fill zfields also.
- 2. u said i can use BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN to update fields
of table AUFK.
but rather why cant i simply use this method:
first using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create prod order.
then AUFK will container the AUfnr(order no)
and i simply write update statement.
*wa_aufk will contain zzebeln and zzebelp update aufk from wa_aufk. if sy-subrc is o. commit work. endif.
what diff does it make if i am using bapi u mentioned.
- 3.i am hardly trying to understand the concept of bapi table extension.
infact i have read the sap documentation.
firstly can u tell me from why is it like when i am using bapi_te* in SE11
and f4. no results found.
how u been able to found bapi_te_aufk.(step followed to find this table extension).
moreover, can u please tell how i'll be able to use EXTENSION_IN paramter in bapi u mentioned.
suppose i want to fill zzebeln and zzebelp of AUFK.
please , what value to be passed in EXTENSION_IN and how to fill that value.