Hi Ido
Thanks a lot for replying.
I am trying to do a complicated job (for a non-programmer).
I hope you can help me out.
I intend to use the Excel data (kept on the user's computer) ONLY for lookup in SELECTION CRITERIA SCREEN.
Data for the report will come as usual from SAP Data on the server.
If I use the Excel file (on the user's computer) as Datasource, can I also use an SQL StoredProcedure (on SAP Server) as datasource for the report?
i.e Can I use 2 datasources of different types (one Excel, one SQL) ,in different locations (one on user's computer, one on Server) , and for different uses (one for parameter, one for report proper)?
If yes, your suggestion might work. I have to test.
I have one alternative idea:
I keep the Excel file on the User's computer, and convert it to .csv file.
Then I convert the .csv file to SQL TABLE (there's many tips on the net!)
Then I STORE THE .SQL FILE (call it Customer.sql) IN THE USER'S COMPUTER.
This is the trick which I intend to exploit.
If the sql table is in the User's computer, it will not conflict with other users sql table, which is not the case if I keep the sql table on the server.
My only worry is this:
Is it possible in CR2008 parameter to select from THIS sql table?
For example, I can rename a CR2008 parameter say "CustomerName" as:
"@Select CustName from OCRD where ..........".
So, in the Selection Criteria Screen (I am running the report from SAP B1), when the user reaches the CustomerName field, a list of Customer names pops up, from which he can choose... (Great SAP invention...!)
My question is this:
To access the .sql file on the user's computer, can I replace the above formula by:
"@Select CustName from "C:\Customer.sql" where ...... "
It would solve my problem if it did.
Sorry if this question is a bit long, and maybe irrelevant to this thread.
But as you have cared to reply, this may help you better understand what I want to achieve.
If you have any other suggestions, welcome!
Best Regards
Leon Lai