Hi Gurus,
I am surprised by this system behaviour in ECC 6 & SCM 7.02 where in I just deleted all models and created/ generated new models, activated them and did the consistency check after activation...all was good.
Out of curiosity, I checked the APOKZ field in MARC, to my surprise all materials had blank. Executed the RAPOKZFX report which came back with Error: APOKZ not set for material/ plant.
Tested my GATP scenarios by creating sales order, executing GATP check, then checked the result both in ECC & SCM was all good. Plant substitution had happened and GATP check on available stocks was done. Sales order was in SCM.
Questions: Why is 3 not set on APOKZ although my material & site combinations seem to be in an active model? and why does RAPOKZFX return with error when I try to set APOKZ indicator.
Small observation: After generating Material, ATP, Stock models (before activating them), during each of these steps consistency check had failed with warnings like material master and plant not in model. Although, after activating each of these the consistency check returned with no errors.
Just FYI - followed the following sequence still the same result:
RAPOKZFX - Program for Adjusting Field MARC-APOKZ With Integration Models
RCFUPDCR - Reorganization of superfluous CIF update counters
RCFORDCH - Check for Inconsistencies in Table CIFORDMAP
RCIFIMAX - Generate and reconcile the runtime version of active models
RCIFIMDL - Deletion of superfluous filter object keys in CIF_IM* tables
RCIFMTDE - Program for Maintaining the Materials Deactivated in CIF
RDELALOG - Delete Application Log Entries