I have created a program that uses bapi_wbs_element_update to create WBS elements from a spreadsheet. This program has been running for several years. But it has never successfully loaded the profit center. This has to be entered manually afterwards.
I am attempting to load the profit center again, having recently patched the system to Ecc6 Ehp6. As soon as I uncomment the code for the profit centre it fails to create a WBS. I suspect that it may be because the Profit Center defaults from the Project, which we do not necessarily want.
I have not found any suitable SAP notes. Any ideas?
*Set Values for Internal Tables
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-wbs_element = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-project_definition = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-description = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-user_field_char20_1 = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-user_field_char20_2 = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-user_field_char10_1 = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-profit_ctr = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-calendar = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-plant = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-wbs_planning_element = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-wbs_account_assignment_element = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-wbs_billing_element = 'X'.
st_bapi_wbs_element_update-objectclass = 'X'.
* st_bapi_wbs_element_update-responsible_no = 'X'.
* st_bapi_wbs_element_update-applicant_no = 'X'.
APPEND st_bapi_wbs_element_update.
st_bapi_wbs_element-wbs_element = t_newrec-wbs_id. st_bapi_wbs_element-project_definition = t_newrec-proj_id. st_bapi_wbs_element-description = t_newrec-wbs_desc. st_bapi_wbs_element-user_field_char20_1 = t_newrec-client. " Client st_bapi_wbs_element-user_field_char20_2 = t_newrec-busunit. " Business Unit st_bapi_wbs_element-user_field_char10_1 = t_newrec-opptype. " Opportunity type st_bapi_wbs_element-user_field_char10_2 = t_newrec-subtype. " Sub type st_bapi_wbs_element-user_field_date1 = t_newrec-course_start. " Course Start st_bapi_wbs_element-user_field_date2 = t_newrec-course_end. " Course End st_bapi_wbs_element-wbs_planning_element = 'X'. st_bapi_wbs_element-wbs_account_assignment_element = 'X'. st_bapi_wbs_element-wbs_billing_element = 'X'. st_bapi_wbs_element-plant = l_plant. st_bapi_wbs_element-calendar = '78'. st_bapi_wbs_element-objectclass = 'PA'. " Profit analysis st_bapi_wbs_element-responsible_no = t_newrec-proj_mgr. " project manager st_bapi_wbs_element-applicant_no = t_newrec-trainer. " course instructor st_bapi_wbs_element-profit_ctr = t_newrec-profitcentre. " ???? error APPEND st_bapi_wbs_element.