Hi All,
Our requirement is to record the scrap qty while during production order confirmation. We have used backflush for auto GI and used control key PP03 for auto GR. Customer wants to register operation wise scrap qty as well as do the scrap qty movement for the same while final operation confirmation. We know that this operation output scrap is not equivalent in form of physical as well as cost wise with respect to production material, even though customer wants to do maintain this final operation scrap qty with 551 movement.In standard, 551 movement is not allowed in CO11N. We have to add this 551 for the transaction through "OMJJ" for CO11N. We ask customer to enter the same material which we want to do confirm scrap, with 551 movement at final operation confirmation. Whether is it the right process and will it work?
We know that instead of maintaining scrap qty during confirmation , we have to maintain all qty as yield and will do 551 movement later. But customer also wants to record operation wise yield/scrap information. So we can't enter all qty as yield without mention scrap qty.
Production order qty 200
Material operation yield scrap
SFG1 10 180 20 - Only for recording
SFG1 20 170 10 - Only for recording
SFG1 30 165 5 - auto GR for 165 , Scrap movement for 35 qty with 551 (Manual entry in co11n)
Could you please suggest the best process to meet the above requirement?